World Champion

World Champion
World Champion

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Good Sportsmanship

Good sportmanship is what makes a great athlete.The good sportsman respects both his teammates and his opponents as equals. He plays with integrity. A win that does not come fairly holds no satisfaction for him. He is honest in his dealings with opponents, because he treats them the way he wants to be treated. He is unselfish in his desire to see all his teammates participate and enjoy the game. He is humble in his victories, and has the proper perspective on his losses. In short, the qualities that go in to making a good man are the same ones that contribute to being a great sportsman. Some rules of good sportsmanship:Play Fair; Don't cheat or play dirty to win, there is no need to turn to dishonesty to win.
Be a Team Player: When your playing a team sport,play as a team! Don't hog the ball and try to do everything even if your the best player. Get your team involved to. If you try to carry the whole team on your shoulders and try to do everything you kill the fun for everyone.
Stay Positive: Most people tend to get negative when things aren't going there way. A good athlete knows to stay positive when all odds are against him and his team.If a teammate screws up tell him to shake it off instead of telling him something bad.
Lose gracefully: In sports there winners and losers. Sometimes your going to end up losing. Accepting a loss will make it easier to handle it. Don't blame yourself or your teamates.
Win with class:If you win be humble about it and not cocky. Let your performance speak for itself.